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Newspaper Clippings

Identifier: II

Content Description

From the Collection:

White Pine: King of Many Waters, published by Mountain Press, Missoula, Montana, in 1970, is a history of logging, sawmilling, and shingle manufacturing in the Idaho counties of Kootenai, Benewah, and Shoshone, and is the culmination of a six year research project of two retired foresters, Clarence Strong and Clyde Webb. Some of their research was done at the University of Idaho library and the library was fortunate enough to become the recipient of their materials.

Included among these materials are 137 photographs, many of which were not used in the book, both holograph and typed notes, newspaper articles on the timber industry, correspondence with informants, often relatives of prominent lumbermen, and the correspondence between the two authors. This correspondence begins with Strong's letter to Webb on July 28, 1964 in which he sets out his ideas for the book and asks Webb if he would be willing to assist with the research, and continues throughout the many fact finding trips, the attempts to find a publisher, and the final publication and distribution of the book. The final items in this group are typescripts of two drafts of the text.

The contents of this archival group are related in more detail in the following Description of Series.

Parts of this collection have been digitized and is avaiable at the White Pine - King of Many Waters Collection.


  • Creation: 1964-1970


Conditions Governing Access

Collection is open for research.


From the Collection: 1.5 Cubic Feet

Language of Materials

From the Collection: English

Materials Specific Details

The material in this series has been divided into several folders, Miscellaneous newspapers, The Harrison Searchlight, Coeur d'Alene Press, Spokane papers, and The Authors and the Book.

The items in the miscellaneous folder include several advertisements for forest products, obituaries of lumbermen, the log marks (brands) of the Coeur d'Alene Log Owners Association, the January-February 1959 issue of Western Conservation Journal, and the following articles: Oscar W. Blake, "Bull Punchers of the lumber camps," Old West, Summer 1965, Pp.32-35; "Company sawmill shut down; sixty-six year operation closed," Bunker Hill Reporter, July 1966, P.1; Charles Cook, "History of Blanchard, Idaho," (1959) 4 p.; and Ed. Rosenlund, "Perl Bailey: with axe and saw he helped to carve a western empire," Match Tips August 1963.

The Harrison Searchlight, which was published each July in time for the old-timers' picnic, contains articles of historical interest. The issues in this folder are for the years 1963, 1964, 1965, 1967, 1968, 1969, 1970, 1971, and 1972.

Each year the Coeur d'Alene Press published special supplements containing articles on the early history of north Idaho. The following supplements are available in this collection:

February 28, 1959, containing articles on the history of Coeur d'Alene City, Post Falls, the Cataldo Mission, steamboats, and lumbering. Centennial Edition, 1963, sections 2 and 4, with articles on the Mullan Road, General Sherman, Frederick Post, the Cataldo Mission and the Rutledge Mill. April 25, 1964, includes articles on the lumber industry and the Mullan road. April 30, 1966, with articles on Fort Sherman and the Cataldo Mission.

April 27, 1968, "Focus on North Idaho" in two sections, one entitled "Lumbering" the other "Historical".

April 26, 1969, "The Face of North Idaho" with "Lumbering" and "Historical" sections.

The articles clipped from the Spokane papers include articles on lumber companies, mill fires, an article and obituary notice on John Judson Pugh, two articles on the forest industries from the January 28, 1968 Spokesman Review Annual Progress Magazine, an article on tug boats, and one on the "Last free-running log drive in the West."

The final folder, entitled "The Authors and the Book" contains the following articles: "Lumbering history project is planned," unidentified, 12/9/1966; "Webb will discuss early-day lumbering," Coeur d'Alene Press. 1/16/1968; "Former foresters due here tonight," Coeur d'Alene Press, 3/20/1970; "Old-timers relate saga of early-day lumbering," by Tom Burnett, Spokesman-Review, 11/16/1970; and a portion of an unidentified newsletter describing an autograph party, "Clarence Strong and Clyde Webb sign."

Repository Details

Part of the University of Idaho Library, Special Collections and Archives Repository