Idaho Water Resources Board, August 2, 1965 - December 9, 1977
Content Description
The nine boxes of material which were given to the University of Idaho Library consist exclusively of water resource material. When the Idaho Water Resource Board was created on July 16, 1965, John Fridolin Streiff was among the original eight members. His file of the minutes of this organization extends from August 2, 1965 to December 9, 1977. The folders include not only the official minutes of the meetings, but copies of correspondence and reports, copies of newspaper clippings, reprints of articles and occasionally minutes of related meetings.
There are folders dealing with the American Falls Dam, Bear River development, Blackfoot Reservoir, Boise Project, Lower Granite Dam, Lucky Peak, Malad Canyon, Middle Snake development, Swan Falls, the State Water Plan, Desert Entry hearings, Port Law and material on the Wild and Scenic Rivers legislation.
The final box contains miscellaneous publications which do not relate to a specific series.
The contents of each folder are described in the following Description of Series.
- Creation: August 2, 1965 - December 9, 1977
- From the Collection: Streiff, John Fridolin (Person)
Conditions Governing Access
Collection is open for research.
From the Collection: 9 linear feet
Language of Materials
From the Collection: English
Materials Specific Details
When the Idaho Water Resource Board was created as a State agency in 1965 its eight members were George L. Crookham, Jr., Leonard E. Graham, Dr. Evan M. Kackley, Charles J. Marshall, Arlie L. Parkins, Edward Reichert, John Streiff, and George L. Yost. Charged with formulating and implementing a State Water Plan, constructing and operating water projects, appropriating public waters and acquiring real property for water projects, the minutes of the board reflect their methods of fulfilling that charge.
Included with the minutes are legislation, correspondence, reports, and budgets. A selected list of this material follows. The number in parentheses is a reference to the folder in which the material is found. The first twenty-four meetings of the board were numbered consecutively, therefore (15th) indicates the material will be found in the folder for the fifteenth meeting. Beginning in 1968 the meetings were numbered by indicating the number of the meeting within the calendar year, therefore(3-68) refers to the third meeting in 1968. The contents of several miscellaneous IWRB folders are listed following the list of material found with the minutes.
Repository Details
Part of the University of Idaho Library, Special Collections and Archives Repository