Seattle and Spokane, Washington, 1967
Content Description
The Public Land Law Review Commission papers of A.B. Curtis are contained in seven large file boxes; the reports prepared for the commission occupy several shelves in the library archives. Among the types of material found in this collection are press releases and memoranda issued by the commission, A.B. Curtis's commission related correspondence, speeches of commission members, especially Wayne Aspinall and Milton Pearl, material relating to the public meetings of the commission (of particular interest are Curtis's own memoranda of these meetings which he circulated to his close friends) and the reports prepared for the commission to assist it in making its own recommendations to the President and Congress.
In addition to the material in the archives, the Special Collections library photograph collection contains many of the photographs Curtis took while on PLLRC tours.
- Creation: 1967
- From the Collection: Curtis, Albert Bruce, 1903-1985 (Person)
- From the Collection: United States. Public Land Law Review Commission (Organization)
Conditions Governing Access
Collection open for research.
From the Collection: 18 linear feet
Language of Materials
From the Collection: English
Materials Specific Details
In September A.B. Curtis arranged for the PLLRC meeting in Spokane, with the ultimate intention of an air tour of the Idaho public lands. Toward the end of the planning sessions, Jackson Hole, Wyoming, was also included in the plan. This Pacific Northwest visit commenced with public meetings in Seattle on September 1; the Spokane hearings were held on September 2, and on the 3rd the air tour began. Among the items in the two folders for these meetings are the minutes for the July 1977 planning committee meeting, the usual agenda, witness lists, and statements for the meetings themselves, and speeches delivered at two of the luncheons. There is a folder labeled "Idaho and the Problems Relating to its Agricultural Land," which contains a booklet entitled "The Economic Importance of the Western Phosphate Industry," as well as other material relating to agriculture. A second folder contains a great deal of information on Grand Teton National Park. The file folders also contain the narrative of the aerial tour of Idaho, aeronautical maps showing the flight plan, newspaper clippings about the PLLRC meetings, and a variety of tourist/travel brochures.
Repository Details
Part of the University of Idaho Library, Special Collections and Archives Repository