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Series III: The Legislature


Scope and Contents

From the Collection:

The papers of Harold Lough consist of correspondence, legislative committee reports and state budgets for the twelve years he was the state senator from Latah County. The letters are mainly from constituents expressing their opinions on matters before the legislature. There are many letters from Senator Frank Church, which discuss federal legislation which is of interest to Idaho; there is also a letter from Senator Len Jordan concerning the Wild Rivers Bill.

State budgets and records of the budget committee form another portion of this collection. A third section consists of material relating to the legislature--journals, copies of bills, lists of all bills introduced and their disposition. This is perhaps the most useful series to the student of Idaho legislative history. There are also minutes of several committees on which Lough served.


  • Creation: 1957-1968


Conditions Governing Access

Collection is open for research.


From the Collection: 2 linear feet

Language of Materials

From the Collection: English

Repository Details

Part of the University of Idaho Library, Special Collections and Archives Repository